Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This week i spent alot of time trying to develop an idea for what i vision my range to be like, by collecting inspirational pictures. Alot of my inspirational images i had collected over the years that just really captured me, i also collected pictures of lightening at night, which really inspired my colour pallette and gave me the idea of wanting to create a very edgey collection. Lightening is pretty to look at but is very dangerous, so i wanted to really show that in my range. I developed my mood board and met with the teachers to put my ideas across, but i still didnt have a solid theme for my range it was very broad. I had to go away from the meeting and really think what story i wanted to tell and what i wanted my theme to be about. The easiest way to do that was to grab my idea in my head and write it down in a sentence. I spent the rest of the week really coming to a conclusion about what exactly i wanted my theme to be and I finished on the idea of "The Modern Day Warrior Princess"
I then collected images of Xena warrior princess, Princess leia and continued my search by researching designers who had developed ranges with the warrior theme.
This week i also began my timeline, to give me a more solid idea of how, the next couple of months need to pan out, so that i can develop my range within an organized time frame.

So next week, I plan to start sketching out some pieces, in the hope that my wednesday's meeting will see me have a pretty good idea what my 6 finals pieces will look like and will hopefully impress the teachers and allow them to see that ive been able to bring my broad ideas and pull them in a unique theme that will hopefully create a jaw dropping range.

FINGERS CROSSSED!!!! on to week 2 :)

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