Tuesday, November 16, 2010

its near the end!


check out my article in rip it up mag http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?fbid=145871055448809&set=a.131986706837244.11004.129168103785771

ohhh and orderss in, time to choose the music


so tickets are out on sale.

evening parade is selling like hot cakes

matinee is slowly slowly getting there.

10days till parade finally got all my stuff ready

time to press and go

labels all in the outfits

ooo la laaaaa

fittings TOMORROW

in come the models

bagging everything up and ready to go

early mornings late nights

so photo shoots are all over n look absolutely amazing,absolute crazy times atm.

halfway mark is truely gone and we are at the home stretched.

just working our butts off with extremely early morning and very late nights.

heres a little snippet of my photo shoot i took with my iphone....

and thank god for the redbulls doing daily visit or we would definately not make it through the

day. Major caffine overdose.

9pm at biggest pattern piece of my life, its never ends.
its like there so much to do that u cant see the end but you know its so so so close

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 days till photoshoot for our look books.
everything is coming underway

At the moment working on my belts
yes im soo soo picky that i now have to make my own belts.

ohhh and for all you guys wondering yes i did meet ruby rose backstage

best day ever

This week i hacked into the real deal fabric

possibly the most neervous thing ever

no turning back now.
Today we start choosing out photographers and models

Grab a cop of RIP IT UP MAGAZINE, i did an interview wooo hoooo

also this friday i meet ruby rose as i help out for a fashion parade launching her new exciting range for milk and honey

stay posted

ill hopefully have some photos n vids :)

Yep good week to screw up my finger at netball
Patternmaking is pretty much done, toileing is pretty much looking perfect the pile is growing by the day.
Feeling a little uninspired so got my inspiration board looking good again.
1 month till photo shoot

Monday, October 11, 2010

Last week of Patternmaking, it doesnt get more full on than this. the next 3 months will be insanely busy. On to the real deal next week.

Purchased last fabric tulle 350 metres of tulle to be exact

Spent a few days toileing fabric also

and next week pick up my lycra.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Its been a crazy couples of weeks, finally starting pattern making the range, its been long days and just none stop busy. Its taken almost 3 weeks to perfect them but Im confident that ill end up with a very successful range. Here's hoping the final construction comes with no mistakes or massive problems i cant fix. Ive got two patterns left and then ready to start the real deal.

Went to Allen and purchased all my tulle, just purchased all my lycra.

Now to start making up the belts and masks, never a dull moment. I'm never happy with whats out there so decided to make my own. Why not make it easy for myself.

ill be putting pictures up of my process very very soon, so stay posted.

To top off all the fun, i hurt my finger at netball and currently have it bandaged up, had to be the right hand. Isnt making the cutting and patterning making easy. Thank you netball. whoever said it was a none contact sport lied.

My hot lil finger will be making next times post to, so if your ready to laugh definately stay posted :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


so back from Hong Kong! which was an amazing crazy trip, was a fantastic way to see Hong kong and the way they work. In the 7days we were there, we did endless amounts of shopping, enjoyed the nightlife and most importantly found some amazing fabrics and accessories.

I found some perfect studs for my pieces and so so so cheap, i also found some metallic black netting which i hope to incorporate in my range.

Here's some photo of an amazing street we found that is just endless shops full of fabric and accessories, you need at least 3 days or more to have a serious look around.

Whilst away we also checked out two garment facbrics in China, which was eye opening and just a great thing to see.

You always have an image in your head about the way things work and look like but to see it in real life was great.

Here's some pictures of the factories....

and now this is the second factory we went to....

Along with all these visits we attended fashion week, which was soo much fun and just great to see.

We met some ladies from Australia who were trying to get their label seen and they had some really good advice. It was nice to see aussies there and get a real feel for what life would be like in that world.

Amongst all thus fun, it was sooo very hot and sticky, we got terribly burnt and lost a god 5kilos from all the hiking around.

Overall a fantastic trip and definately something any person into fashion should do because its an amazing experience.

The markets are the ultimate highlight and the culture is just mind boggling.

Of course the fun isnt over because it was time for us to head back to tafe

to a new surroundings in the city

and finally start our ranges.

so until next time guys, stay posted.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Weeek 2

So this week, I really wanted to have a pretty clear idea of what I wanted my 6 pieces to look like by my meeting on Wednesday, I spent Monday and Tuesday really buckling down pushing out as many ideas and designs as i could, and then by Wednesday I had about 8 designs I was quite happy with and could see a real harmony going on with them.

Wednesday I obviously had my meeting with the teachers where they were actually really happy and impressed with what I'd produced and they helped me to be really cut throat with what stays and what goes. I'd been worried about showing the teachers because my first meeting I was very undecided and I was a little worried that I hadnt met the expectations they were wanting to see out of me.

But overall it was very successful. The only problem now was to settle on how exactly the colours were gonna flow in each garment and what little minor adjustments needed to be made so that it all fit perfectly.

Thursday Brenton, Ally, Emma, Najree and I, went down to see Allen to check out some fabrics and see what kind of prices we were looking at.
It was so overwhelming I think we all walked out with headaches because we just had so much to look at and take in. It really is mind boggling and makes you wanna throw a million different fabrics into your range.
I was really happy with what I saw and seeing the fabric makes it so much more clearer in your mind about what your range may look like and the colours you can work with and just how things will flow.
Friday I went around looking at some more fabric places, just to get some samples of fabrics,at the moment my biggest worry is finding the colours I want in the tulles I need.

Allens range was really good but as the swatches were really quite small or he only had photos of the fabric, I really needed to go out and source from other places just to get an ideas of what a full piece would look like.
I also went around to hardware stores and craftstores to see if I could find some studs and/or metal for my warrior masks

well theres always next week
a new week a new attitude
im confident itll all work out
its only early days after alll

and the fun continues......

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


This week i spent alot of time trying to develop an idea for what i vision my range to be like, by collecting inspirational pictures. Alot of my inspirational images i had collected over the years that just really captured me, i also collected pictures of lightening at night, which really inspired my colour pallette and gave me the idea of wanting to create a very edgey collection. Lightening is pretty to look at but is very dangerous, so i wanted to really show that in my range. I developed my mood board and met with the teachers to put my ideas across, but i still didnt have a solid theme for my range it was very broad. I had to go away from the meeting and really think what story i wanted to tell and what i wanted my theme to be about. The easiest way to do that was to grab my idea in my head and write it down in a sentence. I spent the rest of the week really coming to a conclusion about what exactly i wanted my theme to be and I finished on the idea of "The Modern Day Warrior Princess"
I then collected images of Xena warrior princess, Princess leia and continued my search by researching designers who had developed ranges with the warrior theme.
This week i also began my timeline, to give me a more solid idea of how, the next couple of months need to pan out, so that i can develop my range within an organized time frame.

So next week, I plan to start sketching out some pieces, in the hope that my wednesday's meeting will see me have a pretty good idea what my 6 finals pieces will look like and will hopefully impress the teachers and allow them to see that ive been able to bring my broad ideas and pull them in a unique theme that will hopefully create a jaw dropping range.

FINGERS CROSSSED!!!! on to week 2 :)